What Are These "22 Rules of Marketing" Called?

What Are These "22 Rules of Marketing" Called?

There i a rule that marketing awesome duo Al Ries and Jack Trout advocate. Not one but 22 rules! This set of rules, which they call the "22 Rules of Marketing", has proven its accuracy many times over the years. These rules can be talked about and discussed at length and a few sentences about them

Leadership Rule

It's good to be first. It is often much better than superior.

Category Rule

Being first in a category is important, yes but if you haven't occupied first place in a category, the best solution is to create a new category where you can be the first.

Rule of Mind

It's better to be the first to enter the minds than to be the first in the markets. Minds must be targeted before markets.

Perception Rule

Marketing is a battle of perceptions, not products. In the struggle of the competitors, the side that works towards perceptions wins.

Focus Rule

The most powerful concept in marketing is a word that is ingrained in the mind of the customer. The most effective words are those that are simple and benefit-oriented.

Uniqueness Rule

More than one company cannot own a word in the mind of the consumer. Therefore, be careful with the word you use, that it is not used by a competitor.

Ladder Rule

You should determine your strategy according to which step you are on on the ladder. Separate strategies are created for the leader, and different for the second and third.

Binary Rule

In the long run, two brands stand out in each market. Are you one of those two brands, and are you a candidate to be?

Rule of Contrast

If you're after the second place you should strategize according to the leader. If you're after the first place you shouldn't play for second place.

Division Rule

Categories multiply by division over time. Categories are not merged but divided. This should not be forgotten when creating the brand strategy.

Rule of Perspective

The effects of marketing activities emerge over time. What happens in the short term and what happens in the long term are different. Short terms can be misleading. Inflation can stimulate an economy in the short run but it causes depression in the long run.

Extensions Rule

The temptation to increase brand equity forces the marketer to develop the product line. If you try to be successful in every field you will get into trouble sooner or later.

Sacrificing Rule

In order to be successful in a field, you may have to give up some things. It is the opposite of the rule to expand the product line.

Attribute Rule

Every attribute has an effective opposite attribute. This should not be forgotten when standing in front of leaders.

Sincerity Rule

Your acceptance of a negative side of you will be positively received by the consumer. Consumers like sincerity. Even if it's not the first step intimacy wins out in the end.

Singularity Rule

For every situation, there is only one move that will bring success. With a successful move, you can turn the trend in your favor.

Unknown Rule

Since you do not determine the strategies of your competitors, it is impossible to predict the future. However, you can follow trends and make predictions.

Success Rule

Success leads to arrogance, and arrogance leads to failure. The ego is the enemy of marketing because the ego makes you look wrong, makes you think wrong, and ultimately makes you do wrong.

Failure Rule

Failure is also possible and it is necessary to accept failure when appropriate. When you don't accept it you stray away from reality.

Advertising Rule

Most of the time, the opposite of what is reflected in the press is true. The developments that attract the attention of the media are generally the ones that claim to change a whole sector that is of great importance for the country's economy alone.

Acceleration Rule

Programs built on trends, not fads, will be successful. Enthusiasm is short-lived. It is the long-term trends that are profitable.

Resources Rule

If the resources are not enough the idea will not get a good start. Marketing occurs and lives in the mind of the consumer. Money is needed to get into the mind of the consumer so more money is needed to stay there. Marketing is an investment.